The Obudu Ranch/Resort has a temperature of between 26°C to 32°C between November and January,the nights are cool to cold during this period.The lowest temperature range of 4°C to 10°C is recorded between June and September which is the rainy season.Warm clothes,raincoat and water boots for hiking in rainy season.The Obudu plateau has an altitude of 1,575.76metres above sea level hence its tranquil climate.
Green mountain ranges surround this natural reserve.It is the habitat to rare species of bird.Bird watching never fails to fascinate visitors to the ranch.
All Chalets are fully furnished and include the following:
- Satellite TV with remote control
- Bar Fridge
- Room Heater
- En Suite Bathroom
- Security Door Lock
Different chalets;Standard Double Chalets, Superior Double Chalets
Mountain Villas
African Bungalow
Other accommodation include:Club Suites,Executive Suites,Presidential Suite,Royal Suite,Governor’s Lodge. The hotel also boasts of an exquisite bar and lounge area which is warm and comfortable with a fireplace.
Swimming Pool
This natural swimming pool with clean water provides a picturesque view of the long winding waterfall.It is approximately 10minutes walk from the hotel
The grotto is a sloppy area and provides a fitness test.It's gentle gradient draws you to one of the most beautiful scenery you have ever seen.It also has a spring.
The ranch also offers a fascinating experience of butterfly watching at the conservation area.
Canopy Walk
The Canopy walk is an exploration of Obudu's Natural Reserve.You can feel the serene atmosphere and gentle calling of nature with this experience.
Horse Riding
For those who are up to it, horse riding in the area enlivens and invigorates
Sporting Facilities
Comprising of:
The Cable car is used to convey a bulk of visitors up the Ranch from down the hill.
Presidential Helipad
Conference centre
This is made up of
- Reception / Foyer
- Theater-Style Main Venue seating 250 people
- Executive Boardroom seating 30 people (Fixed Set –up board room Style)
- Syndicate Halls (2) available for breakaway sessions
- Basic Conference Equipment available (Flip Charts, Overhead Projector, PA system, Electronic white board)
Organized bonfires
To further spice up your evening,bonfires can be organized as long as it is safe to do so

Случайные афоризмы:
Чтобы не было автокатастроф, надо мужчинам не наливать алкоголь, а женщинам фото знаменитостей наливать бензин.
От зависти не умирают, от Адриана Лима фото убивают.
Если водка тяжело идет, значит, скоро фото Аврил Лавин ее обратно.
При постоянном Памела Андерсон не теряет смысл только мат.
В России два климатических Дженнифер Лопес фото - пивной и водочный.
Навые презирвативы «Дуршлак», Рианна людей должно быть много.
Продам 37 танков Т-72, Пэрис Хилтон фото суперскидки. Товар находятся на ответственном хранении в Сомали.
Электрик от фото Дрю Бэрримор недалеко падает
Опыт бесспорно делает женщине честь, хотя и не ту, которой она лишилась, приобретая этот фото Натали Портман
Банановая республика - это республика, которая сосет чей-то Мария Шарапова фото
Для счастья необязательно надо, чтобы у тебя что-то появилось, иногда достаточно, чтобы это Джулия Робертс у соседа.
Если захотелось чего-нибудь большого чистого и светлого, то бесплатные журналы свежая простыня в доме всегда найдется.
i just cant wait to be here
i just cant wait to be here this Xmas, Chioma luv tanks for making take this trip...Oh....we gonna have fun, no doubt about it, the place is like "OMG........
Accommodation & Other resort
I would like to know how I can make my reservation for accommodation and other resort around for the Christmas
Reservations at Obudu Ranch resort
Dear sir/Madam,
to make reservations, please contact Flexible Voyager travel Management company. on +234-7052686644
Thank You
Anne Ufford-Rebhan
dis is fantabulous i must be
dis is fantabulous i must be there.
Aforestation/ affordabilty
how affordable to the common Nigerians, also what r u promoting with the burn fire while not alternative source of energy so we could savage our forest resources and avert any act of anti afforestation....
can average nigerian student afford a 3days trip to this site with at least 10000 naira.
Cost of Accomodation
This is indeed a beauty to behold, pls i'l like to know wat ur prices are for d rooms, so I can plan my Easter trip to Obudu.
Dr Omone
prices of the booking can be
prices of the booking can be found in http://obuducattleranch.info/booking-a-holiday
beautiful resort...poor branding and PR
the resort is just heaven...i was there 4 years ago and have also been there last year and i tell you that the improvement on the facility is out of this world. BUT it should be better maintained and i must say that i was unimpressed by this web page, i really hope this is NOT the official website because this is EXTREMELY POOR PACKAGING!!! In this day and age you have to sell out in less than 5 minutes on your web page. WHAT IS THIS? no room reservations, no booking, no payment options.........nothing.
please whoever is in charge should do some serious work or employ a corporate comm' personel and if you already have one FIRE his a**
Responding to your post
obuducattleranch.info is obviously not the official website. This is blog site and the Blogger had already mentioned that this is not the official website. Check http://www.africansunhotels.com.
I must say i concur with you all when you talk bout branding,the site is poor,its so not attractive. i've been here before and i tell you its nothing compared to the site... The site is boring has nothing to it,am here showing my friends pictures from my last trip to Obudu showing them place we'll visit in Nigeria,and now this!(site),am so not impressed.
Whats with the man jumping into the pool?
braning? very horrible
We live in a global world today and many big Nigerians firms lack branding, a beautiful place like obudu should have a world class website to attract foriegners, which the internet is the best place for them to research about this beautifull place, please hire a professional to build a professional website for you guys, and if you already have someone incharge of this project fire the person with immediate effect, Nigerians just like to eat money and not do any work, at least chop money and show that you did something dont be all the way greedy i can create a better website than this, i am highly disapointed with this website
I so much agree with you. The problem isn't that we lack professionals in the appropriate fields, it is just that we would rather give a mediocre the job just on account of being in possession of a complimentary card from someone who is equally bereft of ideas. Gov Duke did marvellously well but it may just be that there is paucity of ideas with those vested with running the affairs of this wonderful place. If the right people with the modern concept of hospitality business are employed, the ranch might as well rank among the foremost tourist havens in sub-saharan Africa. We can still achieve this...all we need to do is invest in our young men and women with vibrant ideas, send them off to institutions offering relevant courses and vocations in this field, employ them and set a term of reference for the ultimate objective for which the ranch is expected to achieve. The ranch, like virtually all government owned projects ought not to be used to 'settle' persons who should be engaged in menial endeavours. Branding (or rebranding), if you asked me, ought to start with engaging the right people to the right job!
Congratu;ations Gov Duke
I would like to say it looks great, I was happy to be part of the early renovations of the Ranch in 1999 to 2000 it isa great pleasure to see it in its full glory. well one Gov Donald Duke and inspiration to the growth of Nigeria into the 21st Centuary.
Jan A Bostock
I have been to the ranch with a group of friends and we were delighted. In fact one of my French friends decided to bring his family for the 2009 Christmas holiday. However, I still think that something should be done about Power Supply, because it's a shame that in this 21st/22nd Century, a tourist centre of that nature cannot afford 24hrs power supply, at least "pay as you go", even with an exorbitant accomodation rate. Note that many people are complaining of this one thing.
Mind you, some "Business Idea Stealers" can simply copy the innovation, pump in some money and start something similar but with a more professional touch, and of course 24hrs light! You should know what that means. Or why do you think people would prefer to book hotel in Calabar main town, but come to the ranch only for sightseing, THINK!!
There is a water fall in the ranch environs, nothing stops the Government/management organising a mini power turbine or something. It is possible to turn that ranch to an International view. We can do it!!, Yes we can!!!!
From what I have seen, My family and I must be there come this August, 2009.This is clearly heaven on earth. Imagine what nature has bestowed to this great country, Nigeria. Chief Bonnie C. Allor
Obudu is a nature's milestone. If atleast all states of the federation could utilise their natural resources like Cross Rivers state, it will bring our reliance on oil to a minimal level. And Cross Rivers will soon join the like of Dubai. Well done!
The ranch no doubt shows the good gift of God to humanity.What a marvellous serene,pleasant and cool natural endowment.The staff and indigenes of the ranch were quite warm and homely.Its a nice experience to be physically there.However,Concerted Effort should be put in place to ensure a steady and regular accessibility to it by air.The trip by road from Calabar seems tedious.Overall its a place to be for one who can afford it.
i appreciate the government
i appreciate the government of crossriver state for what the have done to that place.Although i have not been to the place before but am willing to go there really they have made us proud, isay more grease to their elbows.thanks
God Bless Donald Duke
Donald Duke gives me hope that we still have some inspirational leaders in Nigeria. He had the foresight to develop Obudu Cattle Ranch, and did not once think how he could openly profit from it. He did it for the people, this is what leadership is about. When I see these pictures, I am proud to be Nigerian.
Management of Obudu, please do not continue our culture of no maintenance. Remember that this duty you are charged with reflects not only on you, but on us as a nation. We trust you will do well. Please heed the comments above and do take strides to improve this website. It is good for now and helps to get the word out, but it can be better. There is a reason why you made space for comments, I hope it is so that you can use them to improve.
In the meantime my fellow Nigerians, check out this website www.Ldcouture.com. I found some wonderful Nigerian clothing on it.
Congratulations keep it up
I congratulate the Government of Cross River State, the governors and the administrations that thought it out to make Obudu Catle Ranch a resort for relaxation to those who can affort. I commend the young handsome looking governor Donald Duke who loves good things and transformed Calabar to an envious place and the most outstanding in beauty in Nigeria. Hopeful Governor Imoke will tow the line of his predecessor. Not just for the income Obudu will bring but keep it open as an attraction for foreign investors and visitors to have something to write home about Nigeria particularly Obudu and Calabar. I have never been there but the features, amenities and pictures and descriptions are very inviting. I hope to be there if peace and security are promised because it is frightening to hear the stories of kidnapping of...you conclude it for me.
insight to a fales comment.
Hllo Mr. John, with all due respect, i don't know if u are a Nigerian or not. Regardless, it is people like u and their comment about Nigeria as a whole and places like Calabar in particular that are not helping the cours of the nation problems. Yes Nigeria has it share of problems just like every other country in the world, but to say what u said about Obudu and Calabar a place (with ur own addmition) u've never visited, is arrant nonsence.
Country like the BRITAIN, U.S, CANADA, just to mention a few, have their own domenstic problems, but there are still a lot of cities in these countries that are far more safe and peaceful than thers.
Lets not forget (if u are a Nigerian) it is all we've got, but if u are not, please stay out of our business.
I think the ranch is one of God's greatest gifts to this nation and the people of Cross River State. I believe that the web site should be enhanced in such a way that booking can be done online and one can see that the booking is okay and then payment made to the bank to be sure that one doesn't get embarassed after getting to Obudu. Please keep up the good work.
Hope to be at the ranch before the easter as I am sure I cannot get a room for the Christmas now.
Patrick Mohie.
it is such a unique place
it is just a unique place to be. and i must sincerely say that the initiator of this state of the art paradise on earth must be applauded. myself and my colleague at Adekunle Ajasin University will surely visit this site come september this year.
Pst. Wole Oluwagbemiro
A unique place to be
it is just a great site to behold. it shows the resourcefulness from a great mind. who ever come up with this unique idea should be applauded. myself and my colleagues from Adekunle Ajasin University will visit this site some September this year 2009.
Pst. Osungbemiro Oluwole O.